Weaverville Fire Department Support Services


July 6, 2016 1730


Call to Order/ Welcome new members:  Meeting called to order at 1737. Members present: Serena, Betty, Larry H., and Lisa. Guests: Jon

Approve minutes June 1, 2016 meeting: M/S/C Brown/McCall to approve minutes as submitted

Officers Report:

A.     President: 4th of July pancake and Open House went very well big thanks to Serena, Betty, Briana, and Larry H.  Mugs are selling, another big thanks to Roan, and Briana.

B.     Treasure’s Report: No report.

C.     Logistics: No report.

Action Items:

A.     None

Committee Reports:

A.     EMS Support: Larry H. reported replacing a c-spine bag, no pulse oximeters (sp?) equipped T-21 with medical bag and c-spine bag.  Need to schedule regular battery checks for equipment/should have spare batteries on all engines of commonly used batteries.  

B.     Station Maintenance: No report

C.     Equipment Maintenance: No report

D.     Web Technology: Mike doing a great job keeping the website updated.

E.     Marketing: Discussion on the lack of flyers for the 4th of July lunch/open house, may have made an impact.

Open Forum and Topics for next meeting:  Re-evaluate offices and possibly combine some/elections for offices.  Discussion on membership and responsibilities, possibly go over the by-laws and restructure.

Adjourn at 1820 hrs.